We did it!
2021, what a year! While it came with a multitude of challenges for us and everyone we know, 2021 was also the year that Sound Home Animal Sanctuary found its footing. Thanks to your help (and we really, really mean we could not have done it without you!), Sound Home cared for, fostered, and found loving adopters for more than 16 animals in need over the past 12 months.
Some of our favorite success stories include tuxedo boy Stache, who was found as an extremely emaciated 2-week-old kitten who survived against all odds with careful monitoring and diligent bottle feeding. He was eventually adopted into the purrfect home with his best friend Hanson, a formerly feral kitten who needed a leg amputation and is now a playful, thriving girl. We also fostered tabby kitten Kevin (formerly Hot Sauce), who was rejected by his mother at just two days old and required frequent bottle feeding as well as round-the-clock monitoring of a dangerous umbilical infection. Kevin is now a healthy and permanent resident of Sound Home Sanctuary. And we are particularly proud of Teri, an adult cat that we took in and placed in a home with another playful female feline. She’s doing great!
Another big achievement – again, thanks to YOU – that we are celebrating includes reaching our holiday fundraising goal via our fiscal sponsor Ioby. With more than $5,000 in donations, we will be able to incorporate as a 501c(3) nonprofit, as well as purchase much-needed supplies such as an incubator, an essential tool for caring for orphaned neonatal kittens. We also will be able to start a reserve fund for rescue animals’ medical expenses.
Whether you adopted from us in 2021, donated funds, or sent us supplies from our Amazon wishlist, please know that you are a cherished member of our community and an animal savior!
Our goals for this year include expanding the number and species of animals that we are able to foster and find homes for, outfitting our in-home kitten nursery with the essential supplies to save neonatal felines, and embarking on a search for a local space in which to expand our sanctuary operations. We are so excited to see what we can do together in 2022!
From the bottom of our hearts: Thank You!
Jacquelyn Lewis & Edward Janoff
Sound Home Animal Sanctuary